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I Stopped Wearing Deodorant and It Doesn’t Stink

Living more naturally



Photo by Ana Essentiels on Unsplash

I ran out of deodorant. Used my wife's for a while until that was out. I don't think it was so much just cheapness or laziness, but I was interested in seeing what would happen. I wore deodorant most of my adult life and it felt empowering to just drop it.

I don't honestly think I smell bad. I did find if I drank lots of water and ate whole, natural food, I smelled just fine. It was when I drank beer or ate junk food I started getting a little ripe and took a shower. If the pores in the armpit are a drainage system, my guess is that some of the by-products of artificial ingredients in food or drinks that my body didn’t recognize, end up there. We end up smelling because of our diet, and we buy a deodorant to mask the smell of our bad diet.

If there is a scent, I like it because it’s mine. My wife says it smells like babies. I don’t think she’s lying. And I like her scent too. There are times when she wooshes her unwashed hair around, and I love the smell. It doesn't smell like Pantene or Fructis, it’s a very distinct smell that reminds me of childhood.

Over a hundred years of advertising cultivated shame in our bodies, it led us to buy a bunch of products that mask our true identities. Our brains are still millions of…



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